Performing Queries

The sqlr package provides assistance in the more tedious aspects of writing SQL queries, particularly queries that involve rows with a large number of columns.

Having said that, in the interest of keeping the examples concise, the following examples do not have very complex table structures, or very many columns. Keep in mind, however, that the sqlr package becomes quite useful when the tables have a large number of columns.

Consider the following simple SQLite table:

create table users(
        id            integer primary key autoincrement,
        given_name    text,
        family_name   text,
        email_address text

A corresponding Go struct for representing a row in the users table is:

type User struct {
        ID           int `sql:"primary key autoincrement" table:"users"`
        GivenName    string
        FamilyName   string
        EmailAddress string

Note the use of struct tags to include information about the primary key, auto-increment behaviour, and table name.

The following examples assume that a database has been opened, the database table has been created, and the *sql.DB is stored in variable db:

db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", ":memory:")

err = db.Exec(`
        create table users(
                id            integer primary key autoincrement,
                given_name    text,
                family_name   text,
                email_address text

Creating the Schema

The Schema type keeps track of the information required to map a Go struct field name into a corresponding column name. To prepare SQL statements, first create a Schema object:

schema := sqlr.NewSchema(

The example above creates a schema that will generate SQL using a dialect compatible with SQLite, where columns follow a snake_case naming convention.

There is more detailed information on schemas, dialects, and naming conventions, but for now we will move onto creating a session and performing queries.

Create a Session

Before performing any database queries, create a Session object. The session is created from a context, a database connection (or a transaction), and a schema:

var (
        ctx    context.Context
        tx     *sql.Tx // or could be a *sql.DB
        schema *sqlr.Schema

// ... initialize ctx, tx and schema and then ...

session := sqlr.NewSession(ctx, tx, schema)

The context provides a bounded lifetime for which the session is valid. The database connection (or transaction) provides access to the database, and the schema caches information about mapping the database schema to Go structures.

Sessions are inexpensive to create. Typically a session is created for each unit of work performed against a database. The most common pattern is to create a new session for each database transaction.

tx, err := db.BeginTx(ctx, nil)

session := sqlr.NewSession(ctx, tx, schema)

// ... do work with session

err = tx.Commit()

Inserting a row

The following example assumes that a session has been created.

// create the row object and populate with data
userRow := &User{
        GivenName:    "Jane",
        FamilyName:   "Citizen",
        EmailAddress: "",

// insert the row into the `users` table
err := session.InsertRow(userRow)

// userRow.ID contains the autoincrement value assigned by the DB server
fmt.Println("User ID:", userRow.ID)

// Output: User ID: 1

The session knows how to generate an insert statement that is acceptable for the SQL dialect. In the example above, the SQL generated will look like the following:

insert into users(`given_name`,`family_name`,`email_address`)

Because this is an insert statement, and the id column is an auto-increment column, the value of userRow.ID will contain the auto-generated value after the insert row statement has been executed.

Updating a row

Continuing from the previous example:

// change user details
userRow.EmailAddress = ""

// update the row in the `users` table
n, err = session.UpdateRow(userRow)

fmt.Println("Number of rows updated:", n)

// Output: Number of rows updated: 1

The session generates sql that looks something like the following:

update users set `given_name`=?,`family_name`=?,`email_address`=? where id=`?`

The value of the fields in the userRow instance have been supplied as arguments for the placeholders in the update query.

Selecting a single row

Now we attempt to query a single row from the users table:

var userRow User

n, err := session.Select(&userRow, "select {} from users where id = ?", 1)

fmt.Println("Rows returned:", n)
fmt.Println("User email:", u.EmailAddress)

// Output:
// Rows returned: 1
// User email:

Note the non-standard {} in the SQL query above. The sqlr package knows to substitute in column names in the appropriate quoted format that is acceptable for the SQL dialect. The format of this “extended” SQL syntax is covered in more detail later, but for now take it as a given that the schema knows how to expand the {} symbol into a column list that is appropriate for the SQL clause in which it appears.

In the example above, the SQL generated will look like the following:

select `id`, `given_name`, `family_name`, `email_address` from users where `id` = ?

If the SQL dialect for the schema was for Postgres, then the SQL would look more like:

select "id", "given_name", "family_name", "email_address" from users where "id" = $1

Selecting multiple rows

Performing a query that returns multiple rows is similar to returning a single row. The only difference is that instead of passing a pointer to a struct, pass a pointer to a slice of structs, or a pointer to a slice of struct pointers:

// declare a slice of users for receiving the result of the query
var users []*User

// perform the query, specifying an argument for each of the
// placeholders in the SQL query
_,  err = session.Select(&users, `
        select {}
        from users
        where family_name = ?`, "Citizen")

// at this point, the users slice will contain one object for each
// row returned by the SQL query
for _, u := range users {

Note, once again, the non-standard {} in the SQL query above. The sqlr package knows to substitute in column names in the appropriate format. In the example above, the SQL generated will look like the following:

select `id`,`family_name`,`given_name`,`email_address`
from users
where family_name = ?

For queries that involve multiple tables, it is always a good idea to use table aliases:

// declare a slice of users for receiving the result of the query
var users []*User

// perform the query, specifying an argument for each of the
// placeholders in the SQL query
_, err = session.Select(&users, `
        select {alias u}
        from users u
        inner join user_search_terms t on t.user_id =
        where u.term like ?`, "cit%")

for _, u := range users {

The SQL generated in this example looks like the following:

select u.`id`,u.`family_name`,u.`given_name`,u.`email_address`
from users u
inner join user_search_terms t on t.user_id =
where u.term like ?

WHERE IN Clauses

While most SQL queries accept a fixed number of parameters, if the SQL query contains a WHERE IN clause, it requires additional string manipulation to match the number of placeholders in the query with args.

This package simplifies queries with a variable number of arguments. When processing an SQL query, it detects if any of the arguments are slices:

// GetWidgets returns all the widgets associated with the supplied IDs.
func GetWidgets(session *sqlr.Session, ids ([]*Widget, error) {
        var rows []*Widget
        _, err := session.Select(db, &rows, `select {} from widgets where id in (?)`, ids)
        if err != nil {
                return nil, err
        return widgets, nil

In the above example, the number of placeholders (?) in the query will be increased to match the number of values in the ids slice. The expansion logic can handle any mix of slice and scalar arguments.